

You were late but that’s okay,
As soon as you walked upon stage,
the world faded away.

I started crying when you sang Solo,
Couldn’t believe we were in this moment,
I felt my love for you grow.

The way you carried yourself,
that vibe around you,
made me shine like I never do.

It was magical to finally see that man,
that man that I listen to every day,
Don’t worry, I am not some Stan.

We were in this moment together,
I think our eyes even met,
after feeling low I’ve felt so much better.

There is something magical about you,
I have such a deep appreciation for that,
how you sing these words, so true.

When I think back about that eve,
I feel such bliss inside,
even though our moment was just brief.

Your music means so much to the world,
you touch peoples hearts,
thank you from the heart of a very happy girl.


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